Friday, December 7, 2018

3 Elsas by Berelince Colored

Sometime ago, while I was browsing around DA, I came across an incredible piece of Elsa fan art by Berelince

The original art here:  3 Elsas

I liked it because it showed a certain juxtaposition between the three stages that we’ve seen Elsa, first as the fun loving little girl who made her sister happy with her magic.  Then growing up into a woman so consumed by fear and anxiety and guilt over what happened as a child.   So much so that she’s closed herself off from the world and bundled herself up in layers, despite the summer warmth.  Then the final stage, the Queen of Ice, in complete control of herself and her abilities.  Now that I’d call growth, wouldn’t you?

So, given that and my soft spot for Elsa, I went to Berelince and asked her if she wouldn’t mind making a digital lineart of this piece (as a commission of course).  I had explained that after the lineart was done I would be coloring it, she agreed and I waited.

After it was done, it was time for my end of it.  The first challenge was the 5 year old Elsa because I had to keep in mind the light that was coming from the magic snowball in her hand.  Plus I had to throw in some effects of the snowflakes and such around it.

For the Coronation Elsa, this one took more detail in certain area, mainly her jewels, like her broach and her crown.  Such as in the very center of the crown there’s a blue jewel set into it which wasn’t in the lineart, but that was okay since I just painted it in and there we have it.

For Ice Queen Elsa, this presented other challenges, such as her hair, which has a lot more detail to it than the others that I have colored before.  After that there was her dress which after I had finished it, I knew that it needed something more.  So I went further than I had before and threw on some sparkles into it thanks to the Star Brush Set by DodoKiller

Finally, there was the background.  I knew that there had to be something there and it had to be simple otherwise it would just overcrowd the picture.   So I settled upon a little snow, her snowflake symbol and a vignette oval.

The Snowflakes Brush were thanks to Carocha

My thanks to Berelince for the wonderful work that she did on this and I hope all of you enjoy this as well.

© Elsa - Frozen - Disney

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