Thursday, December 6, 2018

CallMePo - Happy Easter 2014 from Starfire and Raven

This is a colored version of a lineart that was done by CallMePo called “Raven and Starfire Do Easter”

It is almost along the lines of something that I had in mind.  Each year around this time, this commercial is run for Cadbury’s Chocolate Eggs.   And Because the “Cadbury Bunny” tends to cluck like a chicken, there were other animals “auditioning”.  Such as there was a pig, a cat, a lion, a llama and a turtle.  Each one trying to cluck but not doing very well at it.  And in the end they say “there’s only one Cadbury Bunny”. And I had the notion “what if this happened: a woman comes out dressed like a playboy bunny and says very slowly ‘Buck…buck…buck….’.   Then off to one side, the Cadbury Bunny looks at the camera and says 'Okay, I give.’”

But of course, we’ll probably not see something like that on television but that doesn’t stop the idea in my opinion.

Anyway, coloring this one was an easy task though coloring the egg was a much trickier one since I wanted to throw in the pastel colors that are usually done for this time of year.  The pale green, blue, pink and yellow.  So I did it in a type of rainbow pattern going form top to bottom.  Thanks to the layer lock that Photoshop had it did make things a lot easier.

I will say that I may be an atheist but I’m not about to take away the fun of this.  Anyway, Happy Easter everyone.

Note:  All character(s) depicted here are 18 years of age or older.

© Raven and Starfire - Teen Titans - DC Comics

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