Thursday, December 6, 2018

Fairy Tail RPG OC - Namir

I think it could be said that this is a first in terms of a sketchdump for me.  The character depicted here is an Original Character that I designed [with help from clock-heart] for the Fairy Tail Forum RPG that I roleplay at.

When I first came up with the idea for this one, I originally wanted to make fun of a lot of the badly made OCs out there and decided to make a scantily clad Catgirl character who also practices Iron Dragon Slayer Magic.  However, I ran this idea by the moderators over at the forum and they told me that couldn’t be done because the species of non-human characters has to match with their magic.  So, Namir became an ordinary human who will become an Iron Dragon Slayer.

The pictures that you see over at the far left of the picture was me experimenting with different Iron Dragon Scales.   The top, I decided to go with the original style but in going over it with my co-creator it just didn’t seem right, so I erased it and tried a more snake-like pattern.

Anyway, here’s the profile for Namir.

Keep in mind that this is her starter profile.  She will grow stronger through the course of the roleplay.

Name: Namir
Nickname: Brandy Divine
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: Five foot nine inches (175.26 cm)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Guild: N/A
Class: D
Affiliation: Light

Physical Description: Namir stands at a height of five foot nine inches tall (175.26 cm).  Her body is of an average type with not very much muscle definition but not a lot of fat either.  Her figure is what one would call “apple shape” given how she has measurements of 40 inch bust, 24 inch waist and 36 inch hip (cm: 101-60-91).  Her top heaviness is due to a pair of breast implants that she had gotten at the age of 20.  Her skin is a medium tan tone due to the demand of tan skin in her occupation.  Without using tanning techniques, her tone would revert back to a pale peach color.  Her hair is a shade of green that is similar to that of pine trees.  Its length comes down to the middle of her back in straight strands with long bangs at the side of her face.  Her eye color is a deep dark hazel color.

Clothing: Namir has several clothing styles depending on the occasion.  She usually likes to wear her cut-off shorts that are really tight on her hips and leave very little to the imagination of her curves.  Her top consists of a tight tank top that shows off her midriff and lower back and really accentuates the curves of her bust.  Finally, for her feet she wears a pair of comfortable flat shoes.  Aside from this usual set she has several different types of outfits depending on where she’s going or what she’s doing.

Accessories: One Tongue Piercing.  Two hoop earrings .

Extra: Tattoo of a four-leaf clover on her left buttock and a tattoo of a cat’s paw on her right buttock.

Personality:  Namir’s personality is one that has been forged and molded from her life in the slums of Crocus.  She’s emotionally hardened given that emotions don’t have as much of a commodity use in the slums.  There is also a habit she has of chronically lying which has always been an asset to her since honesty doesn’t get you anywhere.  Namir is also quite shallow which explains why she dresses the way she does and why she’s very selective about the men she takes on in her job.  Her shallowness also blends itself into how judgmental she is towards other people.  And in her arrogance she often thinks she has a person figured out within the first few minutes of meeting them.  Since she’s seen the worst in people she also has a more misanthropic viewpoint of humanity and thinks in terms of black-and-white that people are mostly evil and a very small few are truly good.  And one of them is herself.  Given all this, she is also easily irritable since she sees nearly everyone as being evil and needs “to be put in their place”.

Despite this laundry list of flaws within Namir she does have her own good qualities.  One of them is her generosity but the generosity comes at a price.  For one a person needs to earn it from her.  “Nothing is free” as she likes to say.  A particular merit that she has formed from her life in the slums of Crocus is her bravery.  She has faced quite a few dangerous individuals and managed to come out with a few scratches.  Despite this, her persistence is usually what gets her back into the fight with a will as hard as iron.

Namir was born in the capital city of Crocus and in the southern corner that is called “The Perfumed District”, the slums of Crocus.  Both of her parents were poor, living their lives in a small hole-in-the-wall home surrounded by lawlessness and violence.  Her mother died in the cross-fire of the violence that ensues in The Perfumed District leaving her in the care of her father who was an alcoholic and a gambler.  Both of these addictions of her father’s had landed him in very deep trouble with very dangerous people.  The only way that his debts would be forgiven is if his daughter were to be given up and so she was at the young age of ten years old.

Between the ages of ten and eighteen years old she was forced to work in a “sweat shop” sewing together clothes.  Once she reached the “serviceable age” of eighteen she was put to work in one of the local gangs “gentlemen’s clubs”.  It was there that she had received some of her body enhancements, such as to her skin and her bust to make her more attractive to the customers.  It was also here where she was given her stage name of “Brandy Devine”.  In her time in this occupation, she learned from some of the girls in the club how to use knives and hand-to-hand fighting against the more violent customers who would try to take advantage of her.  She also learned to entertain men with a more bubbly and ditzy bimbo-like personality.  In her entertaining skills is where she picked up her singing skills as how karaoke had become popular in such establishments.

It was during her time at the club that she had seen some of the girls using magic and she was fascinated by it.  So she started asking them about it and what other kinds of magic there were.  When she heard about the elemental types of magic, she already liked it above other types, such as holder magic.  Her thinking was that holder wizards have a huge disadvantage.  All one has to do is take away their magic item and they’re pretty much defenseless.  So, it was with this that she looked into Caster Magic.  The one that interested her the most was the element of iron.  It was because it reflected her personality of the cold sharpness of a knife but also because she saw it as the more practical of magics.

And this is where her adventure begins…


Name: Butterfly Knife
Class: D
Description: A simple highly polished stainless steel knife in a sandwich style construction with stainless steel back spacer.  The knife is 23 centimeters long when opened and 13 centimeters when closed.  The blade length is 10 centimeters long and is double edged.  The knife’s weight is approximately 7 ounces and it is a model in which it is opened by a “fanning technique” where one grabs one of the handles and flips it open.
Effect/Function: As this is an ordinary knife, there are no magical effects or properties to it.

Stats - 45
Strength: 9
Accuracy: 9
Stamina: 8
Speed: 9
Magic: 10

Stat Points Earned: 0/0
Arc Points Earned: 0/0
Jewels Earned: 100,000/100,000


Skills & Disciplines
Some hand-to-hand fighting and knife skills but also has skills in exotic dancing and some singing.

Magic Name: Iron magic
Magic Type: Elemental Manipulation - Iron
Tier of Magic: Starter
Rank: 2
Magic Description: This magic allows the user to manipulate the element of Iron at a very basic level.  Because of this, this form of elemental manipulation is not very powerful.  For example, the user can use the magic to move iron without touching it but only a few inches and only in certain states.  Namely, the Iron must be in powder or dust form.  The dust can be made into various shapes with this type of magic however they are very flimsy.  Such as one can shape the dust into a flat sheet but still lacks rigidity and is as easily broken as wet toilet paper.  Another form is that it can be made into a tall cone shape but even then it can be easily toppled.

Techniques: ½
Iron Dust move: 1
Type: Defensive
Range: 3 inches
Effect: This technique moves iron dust a few inches without the user touching them.  The dust particles move in the direction of the casters’ hand as if they were being moved by a small wind but they don’t disperse like they would in a wind, instead they simple move the dust those two inches and stop in a pile at their final destination.  In terms of proximity, the caster must have their hand at least 6 inches close to the pile of iron dust.  It should be noted that this spell cannot create iron dust itself but rather iron dust must be provided beforehand.

Duration: 1 post

Cooldown: 2 posts

© Fairy Tail - Hiro Mashima

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