Thursday, December 6, 2018

Fairy Tail OC - Samantha West

This is an original character that I and clock–heart and I worked on.

The idea for this one came out of a session at looking at badly done OCs and there was one that we came across that became a raspberry seed caught in my teeth.

It was this one:  Saeko Rosei Guild Card by SaekoRoseiOC

Leaving out the fact that the picture of Saeko Rosei is pretty much a tracing of Lucy Heartfilia, there were quite a few problems that could be seen in the design of the OC.  Namely how shallow the character profile was.  So, I had contacted the artist and asked if it’d be possible to help in the revision of this OC in order to help make it better.

The artist had said: “hello! no, sorry, this character is mine, and I will make more changes to my character as I deem necessary thanks”

I took this with understanding but still the idea of a wand wizard was something that I hadn’t seen much of in Fairy Tail OC designs and so, I decided to design a wand wizard that shows one how an OC is really done.  In terms of her character sheet, allow me to show you all what I have.  Something that I think had a little more thought put into it than certain OCs.

Name: Samantha West
Nickname: Sam
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: Five Foot Seven Inches (170.18 cm)
Weight: 140 Pounds (63.50 kg)
Guild: N/A
Class: D
Affiliation: Light

Physical Description: Samantha has purple hair that is short in a bob or pixie style but the hair comes down to her chin and is combed to her right side.  She has large eyes with brown irises with a small upturned nose set into an oval shaped face with a pointed chin.  Her complexion is one of a fair tone similar to that of light tan that despite how long she stays in the sun she does not tan any further than that.  Her figure is pear-shaped with narrow shoulders, small bust and wide hips.  In terms of body, she can be considered one who has “a few extra pounds” with most of it is centered around her hips and thighs, thus her pear shaped figure.  Her hands are petite and narrow along with her fingers being narrow.

Clothing: Samantha usually wears a tight black sleeveless shirt with a sleeveless coat over it.  The coat itself is a pale beige with wide khaki lapels and khaki external pockets.  She also wears a pair of fingerless light blue gloves with tight dark blue arm warmers that come up to the middle of her biceps.  For pants, she wears a pair of olive green shorts that are hemmed on both legs with her wand holster on her left thigh.  Finally, she has a pair of dark blue knee high socks with a pair of mid-calf high hiking boots.

Accessories: Among her accessories is a very special holster that she designed for her wand.  It is made of a series of leather straps that sits at her left thigh where the wand is strapped in place with the handle pointing towards her feet for easy access and drawing.


Personality The most apt word that can describe Samantha is “fun”.   Especially when it comes to magic, she loves to do it not because she wants to get stronger or because she wants to beat someone else.  She finds the act of performing magic and being a wizard a source of great joy in her life.  Even if there’s an element of danger she goes into a fight with magic with a great smile on her face.  And it’s not just in magic but in life in general she tries to find fun wherever it can be had or wherever it presents itself.  As a result she hates it when things are slow, dull, solemn or serious.  She finds these things to be draining on her like someone is sucking the very air out of the room for her.  In such situations she often either tries to create fun or get out as quickly as possible.
    This fun loving philosophy of hers that she tries to get others to be in a fun loving mood all the time or as much of the time as she can instill in others.  By this, one could say that she’s pushy, a tad obnoxious as well as oblivious to the way others are feeling.  This in turn can cause severe social faux pas: such as telling inappropriate jokes at inopportune times or using her magic to pull gags, pranks and practical jokes.  However, that’s not to say that Samantha is completely insensitive, whenever she sees that she’s hurt people despite her good intentions, she’s more than willing to make up for her mistakes.  Other flaws that she has is how she is impractical with her money, despite coming from a family of merchants, she has a tendency to go on shopping sprees (and not for clothes and shoes).  She goes on sprees for gags, funny and offensive t-shirts and coffee mugs and so on.  This behavior often leaves her broke for a good part of a month where she is unable to afford certain basic items, like food.

Samantha was born and grew up in the town of Acalypha Town, the daughter of a member of one of the members of the Merchant Guild “Love and Lucky”.  Given how the town has caravans coming through it all the time, among them are traveling entertainers.  It was from one of these traveling entertainer caravans that Samantha had gained her interest in magic.  It was on her tenth birthday that an entertainer who specialized in magic named “Comprelli the Great” had made his appearance in Acalpyha Town.  Unbeknownst to Samantha, her parents had hired Comprelli to perform for her party and she watched him perform feats of magic that had dazzled her immensely.  While most children would have thought of the party and Comprelli as a fun night and then allow it to become a fond memory, Samantha couldn’t let it go.  To her there was something far greater to what she saw in the feats that this performing magician had done.  She knew that magic was done for entertainment purposes but she wanted to know more about it.  She tried to ask Comprelli about it but he didn’t give her any answers as he said, “A good wizard never reveals their secrets.”

During the summer after that Samantha had begun to sell some of the presents that she had gotten from not only her birthday but other birthdays as well.  Using the money that she had acquired she had bought books on magic.  From the books she only learned the basic knowledge about magic that most other citizens across the country would know by her age.  And still it wasn’t enough.  By the time that her eleventh birthday rolled around, Samantha had asked her parents for more books on magic.  Her mother was against it because it was her opinion that “magic is unlady-like” but that is where her father had stepped in and helped to encourage Samantha on her endeavor.

After the eleventh birthday, Samantha had received several volumes about magic and from there she learned about the various types, elemental magic, casting magic and holder magic.  At first she tried to learn elemental magic and it didn’t seem to work for her.  Then she went to casting magic and like before she seemed to have no talent for it.  This left her vexed and frustrated in trying to find a type of magic that suited her.  That was when she found out about “wand magic”.  She remembered how Comprelli the Great had used a wand but didn’t know if it was a prop or a true part of his magic, given that he said that “a good wizard never reveals their secrets”.  So, with the help of the various caravans that come through, Samantha managed to find a crafter that could create a wand for her.  It was a simple one but when she tried out a wand spell with it, it worked and so with that one success, Samantha was on her way to becoming a true wizard.  After this initial success, the crafter told her of the wizard guilds and about Fairy Tail.   Hearing about it, Samantha had made up her mind that when she grew up, she would go to Magnolia and find Fairy Tail and become a guild wizard.

And so, over the years, Samantha kept perfecting her one wand spell but over the years it only grew stronger by mere fractions of inches.  Thus the reason why she wanted to leave Acalypha Town: to find more ways to improve her wand magic as well as become a guild wizard.  She thought that she would leave Acalypha town when she turned 18 but her home life kept pulling her back.  Namely her father’s failing health.  It was because of this that she and her mother took over their merchant business.  After the death of her father, the medical bills were staggering and thus desperate times called for desperate measures.  Samantha’s mother married another man who was a high ranking member in the merchant guild and the man her mother married was a good man and had known about Samantha’s wish to become a guild wizard and so gave her a little money to help her on her way to Fairy Tail.  Which brings us to the present day.

Name: Wand
Class: D
Description: The wand is approximately 13 ¾ inches long (34.92 cm) over all constructed out of rosewood and highly polished with a glossy veneer.  The Rosewood gives the wand a very brown appearance however the handle, which is approximately 5 inches long (12.7) cm has a very distinctive dark brown hue to it.  The weight of the wand is approximately 7 ounces.  The overall shape of the wand’s handle is carved with various curves to it while the remaining shaft of the wand, 8 ¾ inches (22.22 cm), is smooth and tapered to a narrow point.
Effect/Function: This weapon is purely used for holder type magic in which magical energies are channeled into it and then released upon the command of the wizard that is using it.

Stats - 45
Strength: 7
Accuracy: 10
Stamina: 10
Speed: 8
Magic: 10

Stat Points Earned: 0/0
Arc Points Earned: 0/0
Jewels Earned: 100,000/100,000

Skills & Disciplines

Magic Name: Wand Magic
Magic Type: Non-elemental Holder type
Tier of Magic: Tier 3
Rank: 1
Magic Description:

Techniques: ½
Wand Blast – Rank 1
Type: Offensive
Range: 5 Meters
Effect: Magic is instantly shot out from the wand towards whatever target the wand is pointing at.  This spell is very low level and it can only follow the line of sight of where the wand is directed and the effect of it can only be felt at very close range.  Within close range of about 0 to 1 meters, the effect would feel like a light punch or kick. From between 2 to 4 meters the potency of the spell is diminished significantly and the one receiving the spell would feel it as a very soft punch or kick. But above 5 meters, the effect would feel like nothing more than a poke or a brush of the wind.

Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 2 posts
Stock Used:  Magic Wand 1 by ImperialStarletStock at
Stock used:  Sailor Hogwarts 16 by SenshiStock at

© Fairy Tail - Hiro Mashima

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