Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Meme - StarDragon77 Harry Potter Sorting

This is my own version of the Harry Potter House Sorting Meme that was setup by Moemai

Part of what has to be done with the meme is to pick which house you think that fits you, then you pick your favorite subject and your least favorite subject. I picked Divination because I don’t like the idea that the future is out of my control. Plus the fact that the class is guesswork at best. For my favorite at first I picked “History of Magic” because I always did well in history courses and I tend to watch the History Channel a lot (when they do programs about actual history). But then I rethought it and changed it to “Muggle Studies” since I’m also fascinated with things in our world, how they are made, what led to their development, and so on.

As for the house, originally I thought that Gryffindor would be a good fit for me. I do think courage is a valuable thing but the fact of the matter is that I’m not really all that brave. So looking to the other houses, I figured Ravenclaw would be better because of how they value intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit. Seems to be right up my alley.

Finally, the Patronus, I decided upon the rooster because for one it is something that I haven’t seen very much of in the other HP Sorting Memes. And I know some are going to make some crude jokes about that - so just to let you know I see them coming.

© Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling - Scholastic Publishing

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