Saturday, December 8, 2018

Project Pepper Coloring Contest Entry

A while ago, one of the artists I watch, Artgerm, had uploaded a picture saying that he was running a coloring contest with Sideshow collectibles.  Since this was a coloring contest, I couldn’t resist, so following the instructions in the DeviantArt page, I downloaded the line art and went to work on it and used the colors from his “flat color base” image and worked with that.

The hardest part of it all was actually the hair because of how detailed that he makes hair on all his characters.  But once the hair was out of the way, everything else was easy.
After I was done, I sent off the picture to Artgerm himself.  I probably won’t win because there are some incredible artists out there but I still had fun doing this.

© Pepper - Artgerm - Stanley Lau

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