Sunday, October 31, 2021

Coloring Comm for BeastKing - Amanda Snow Tiger

In the newest coloring commission made to me by BeastKing, he asked me to color this piece that was drawn by R3dStar69 of his original character, Amanda Snow Tiger. 

This one was a challenge given the exaggerated features and foreshortening of the various parts of the body and it did take me a little longer than what I had wanted, mainly because the regular job drains so damn much out of me.  But BeastKing was patient enough with me to finish as best as I could.  However, when it came to the background, I decided to do something that seemed fitting of their character.  A brick-like background with her name spray painted into it.  BeastKing liked it a lot saying that it was a little like the old school 80s/90s anime.  It's rather funny since that idea didn't really enter my head until after it was said and now I like the comparison a lot. 

Thanks again to BeastKing for commissioning me to do this piece. 

if you have a line art that you want colored, please send me a note on DA or a DM over on Twitter and we'll talk. 

Be sure to support me on patreon;

(C) Amanda Snow Tiger - BeastKing1981

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