Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Bokuman - Maggie Mui (R.O.D. the TV)

This was a commission piece that was done for me by Bokuman.  Because of the lack of money, I had him do the ink sketch of two characters that I had in mind.  The first was Maggie Mui of the anime “R.O.D. the TV”.

Here’s the original commission Commission - StarDragon77

I had asked Bokuman if I could color it and post it here, and according to his commission policy it said it was perfectly alright.  And little did I know that applying my cel-like coloring style would flesh it out so much.

By the way, a note to the D.A. Tattletales and generally anyone who is pissy about nudity - Maggie Mui is 22 years old.  So keep that in mind.

Note:  All character(s) depicted here are 18 years of age or older.

© R.O.D. the TV - Aniplex

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