Saturday, December 8, 2018

KindaHornyArt - Star-tan

A while ago I had been noodling with the idea of creating a mascot or a spokes-character for my art and my art blog itself.  Given the name that I”ve published all my works under I decided to call her “Star-Tan”.  Reason for the “Tan” part is a little more involved.  It goes back to how various artists had personified certain computer operating systems, giving them names and appearances that match the operating system.  There was Windows 3-tan, Windows 7-tan, and even a few for others programs like Linux-tan and OS 9-tan.  But the biggest personification came from Zone-Archives with “Zone-tan” who was essentially the spokesgirl for Zone-Archives. 

I do admit that on the surface it does look like I’m using a similar tactic but the idea of it seemed too good to pass up.  I don’t want to use the word “steal” for the idea because really no one ever has a monopoly on an idea.  Plus, if one were to have a spokescharacter for their blog, who would turn it down? 

Anyway, the artist KindaHornyArt had opened up some commissions and I had decided to throw this one at them just to see how they would interpret Star-Tan.  And this was the result. 

My thanks to KindaHornyArt for their work on this. 

© Star-tan - StarDragon77

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