Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Playtoon Cover - Yomiko Readman

I wanted to draw another girl for the month of July since I had been inspired by the latest challenge set forth by 14-bis.

As for the pose, I borrowed it from one of the images of the Read or Die manga, with a lot of modifications here and there.  Although it did give me the opportunity to add some dynamic to the actual picture itself.   Such as Yomiko’s hair and tie flapping around as if there was a breeze going through the studio during the shoot.

In relation to the headlines, it was Yomiko’s headline that started me on this - the idea that a quiet librarian would spill all to a magazine like Playtoon.  One can only imagine what dishy secrets that she would spill to her interviewer.

Second is about the Paper Sisters from R.O.D. the TV (Michelle Chan, Maggie Mui, and Anita King) about the subject of banned books, which I think would be very relavent to such a trio who have such a love for books.

Third, the headline about DeviantArt viewers.  (Not all of them.  Don’t get nervous).  This is about the ones that just go around looking for art that’s offensive and report it.  Such as the art of some of my fellow artists.  (And if you’re a DA troll, you know who you are).  And really, it made me think are they art appreciators or are they simply rogue censors?

For a fourth headline I thought it’d be fun if the writer from R.O.D. the TV (Nenene Sumerigawa) did a short story for the magazine.

Note:  All character(s) depicted here are 18 years of age or older

© Read or Die and R.O.D. the TV - Hideyuki Kurata - Viz Media                                

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