Saturday, December 8, 2018

Mackie85 - Pin-up Vanessa Colored

Since I had colored one of Mackie85′s pieces before; Princess Daphne Colored, I decided to try my hand at a few other linearts that Mackie85 had done. 

The one that caught my eye were these two:  Pin-up Vanessa lineart version 1 and PIn-up Vanessa Lineart version 2

Of course, with Mackie85′s permission, I went ahead and did it.  Thankfully, it was a pretty easy piece to do.  And since there wasn’t that much difference in the lineart, all I had to do was overlay one version of the lineart over the colors that I had laid out. 

So I’d like to thank Mackie85 for allowing me the opportunity to color this.  Thanks much. 

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