Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Len Barboza - Nightcrawler’s new Uniform

This is the colored version of a new lineart that Aquarina-chan did for me.

Some of you may know that I did had something similarly done with Bokuman

The inspiration that I got for his outfit came from another deviant artist. So I’d like to thank IvyBeth and her Nightcrawler piece:

Even though something like this had already been done with bokuman I still wanted to have something like this done with the version of Nightcrawler from “X-men Evolution”. He certainly looks even more bad-ass than before, wouldn’t you all agree?

I know that there is no background for this but I was having some enormous difficulty with that. So if any of you would like to help out with that I’d appreciate it.

© Kurt “Nightcrawler” Wagner - X-men - Marvel Comics

© X-men Evolution - WB

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